Vajidhu, ritual bleeding ceremony
Maldives Culture special reportThe Dhivehi Radheef says: 'Vajidhu or vajjidhu is done by people in Maldives to fulfil a vow (nadhuru) or for other reasons. It is also a traditional entertainment. The songs of vajidhu (vajidhu vaa lavabai) are the second part of the baburunetti series of songs, played on drums and tambourines (baburu in Dhivehi means negro, or black African). When the vajidhu tambourine is played, people stab themselves with a sharp instrument until they bleed.'The Radheef implies that vajidhu is the latter part of a bigger ceremony involving percussion music and other songs. There is no mention of the use of trance techniques by people performing the ceremony.These recent photos of a vajidhu ceremony were taken in northern Maldives.

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