Monday, August 22, 2005

Art or Junk
Most of the great artists of the past were received with very little respect in their own times. Anything new, especially with respect to taste, is met with a certain amount of resistance because of the fear of the unknown. This sounds natural, but I've been recently noticing that there may be more fundamental reasons why some people fail to see any value in contemporary art.Recently I've had a little misunderstanding with a friend of mine because I didn't like the work of the so called Film-Noir Director Mr David Lynch. As far as I know Lynch cheats his audience, pulling the rug out from under us. He throws everything the mix the long goal of confusing us. I don't think there would be anybody other than he himself can make sense out of his psychedelic visions.Nothing makes any sense because it's not supposed to make any sense. There's no purpose or logic to events. Lynch is playing a big practical joke on us. He takes characters we have come to care about and obscures their fates in gibberish. Some people will undoubtedly decide this is all very deep and will find hidden meanings in everything, but they're giving Lynch too much credit. This is not good film making; it's immature and wasteful.If his work is art then, "Dhon Annaaray's" directions should be masterpieces.

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